金 華 之 聲 節 目 表 www.usachineseradio.com



星 期 一

星 期 二

星 期 三

星 期 四

星 期 五

星 期 六

星 期 天


李 金 平 新 聞 分 析 (重 播)


馬心志英語教室 入籍英語教學

健康知識家 健康樂活密碼



半 點 養 生 坊


晨 間 新 聞


健 身 舞 广 场 舞


兰 轩 时 间 赵少康时间 文茜的異想世界 (新闻分析)



教会节目 周立道


早晨的公園 现场节目 新聞大掃描 ( CALL IN)



健康知識家 健康樂活密碼 頂級名醫主講

梨 園 群 英 会,京剧(六,日)


午 間 新 聞


空 中 大 家 談 (重播)

李金平 老安 紫瑩 左大臧 田文仲 劉不屈 廖介民 周固猷, 吴黛伶 范允富 刘青 刘祥 小郭 凿培欣 等等


李 爾 王 英 語

相声 吴兆南

教会 周立道

相声 吴兆南



蔣勳細說紅樓夢 窥破金瓶梅 上海大亨 杜月笙 戴笠逸事 毛泽东之谋 血腥盛唐 婆婆媳婦那些事 盜墓詭話 檔案秘密 易中天評三國 新約聖經故事






金華下午茶 - 和风 紫瑩 田田 燕坤 老安 依霞 JayJay(現場節目)(CALL IN)


翠霞 甘露 鹿鳴




經 典 書 場 : 刘兰芳_岳飞传 百年风云 神探狄仁杰 狄仁杰断案 三國演義 隋唐演義 小五義


时政天天谈 (現場 Call In)

天天 嘉洋 YanYan Layla 大小 老蔣 路易 秀平 北美崔姐 大小方脈

妙音世界 曼珠



李 金 平 新 聞 分 析

好歌音樂館 老歌點播


偵 探 廣 播 劇: 刑 警 803


黃 金 劇 場

儿童节目 科 学 知 识 小喇叭


v 中 大 家 談 (現 場 節 目)

李金平 老安 紫瑩 左大臧 田文仲 廖介民 周固猷, 吴黛伶 范允富 刘青 刘祥 小郭 凿培欣 等等(CALL IN)


精彩节目重播 音樂的世界 老歌的天地 好音乐一起听 金华最好听 金華點歌台


金华下午茶 蘭 萱 時 間 赵少康,文茜的異想世界 精彩節目重播


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna. Ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna. Ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat read more

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat read more

Cryptocurrency trading is what it truly is called shopping for and trading Cryptocurrects on the currency or perhaps stock exchange. As opposed to traditional investment, that involves holding physical ether or bitcoin for a while time frame, or selecting shares within a company, to trade in crypts, you purchase and trade in a very short span of time. Yet , it is a high risk high come back investment. It really is like adding your money inside the hands of a big brother.

There are a lot of good things about trading in cryptic these kinds of as the liquidity and security. The best part is that it is very available and also it is one of the liquid market that is accessible throughout the world. There are a few traders just who still consider this as a small-scale investment choice although there are many traders exactly who considered it as their main trading platform. This is due to it has a wonderful potential for profit and it permits investors to make fast revenue; hence, it's the best part of investing.

When you begin cryptos trading online, it is best to remember that we have a risk of burning off your asset. You need to uncover how you can minimize this kind of risk by doing proper explore and learning any girl about the asset that you will be investing in. Learning all these factors will help you figure out how to maximize the profit that you could make out of your investment.

The 2nd best part of trading internet is that, with this form of investment, you no longer need to deal with brokerages or with huge amounts of capital. You can put in using your laptop or computer with the help of internet connection. As long as you present an internet connection, you are able to start off trading. Regarding the software you will need for this kind of business, you can check out a couple of programs available to buy so as to find what kind is suitable for you. Some traders used Metatrader and Fx Killer program while others employed FAP Turbocharged. The best part on this is that, both of these programs are widely known and trusted among traders worldwide.

The third best part of investing in the cytotechnology market is that, while you are working full-time, you do not need to possess a day job. Since you are trading online, to be able to for you to work. As long as you have the cash to invest, you may work each and every one day time without having to go home and https://www.hesidral.com.br/the-right-way-to-earn-bitcoins-on-android-os/ becoming paid. This is also the reason why traders love https://rcoinbit.com/pl/opinie/bitcoin-billionaire/ using this kind of option.

Purchasing the cytotechnology marketplace does not require you to be scientifically knowledgeable. Nevertheless , you need to understand the normal principle about how exactly the market works. It is highly recommended for rookies to use the auto-trade characteristic of the application you will decide on. When you use auto-trade feature, your transactions happen to be automatically handled by the software along with your investment is managed immediately. You can continue to use your pc and keep an eye on the deals made but since your job will probably be done remotely, you can easily keep an eye on your trading even in the comforts of your home.